Wednesday, January 7, 2009

....Out of Nothing at all- Egg Drop Soup

I have a habit of singing 80's songs to my own lyrics much to the amusement of my family. I guess it is the Weird Al Yankovic in me. For years I've been humming the tune to Air Supply's "Making Love Out of Nothing At All" while I'm searching through the pantry for lunch. "Making Lunch out of Nothing at All....makin' lunch."

To those you you too young to know this song I don't recommend that you learn it. It really is a sad commentary on relationships and one of those, "I can't believe I knew this song growing up." I must have learned it on the bus.

Anyway, here's the recipe for today MLOONAA. If all goes well, I plan to make MLOONAA a regular feature on this blog perhaps with a Mr. Linky for you to share if there was enough interest. Let me know one way or the other by the survey on the right or leave a comment. Thanks!

Egg Drop Soup

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: same
Serves: 8
Cost: approx. $1.00

10 cups of boiling water
3 Tbsp of chicken stock granules ($.50)
2 eggs ($.25)
soy sauce

Heat the water to boiling. Add chicken granules and stir well. Scramble eggs well in a small bowl. Stir boiling broth in one direction and add eggs slowly. Add soy sauce to taste and serve.

Disclaimer: I realize that there is little nutritional value here, but when we've had a big breakfast or someone is sick this is a perfect lunch.


  1. Aw man now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day!

    For some reason that song also reminds me of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." I can't decide which is worse to have stuck in the head.

    Good protein in the soup anyway!

  2. You can easily add some canned corn and green onions, and I like to add a little sesame oil to mine! You can also thicken it a bit more with some corn starch. I make this for a light lunch quiet often!

  3. Thanks, now the song is in my head.

  4. If you were using chicken stock, how would you amend the recipe to reflect chicken stock + water, and would you add any other speices (salt, pepper, paprika) to offset the lack of boullion?

    I roast a chicken almost every sunday,a nd make stock out of the carcass, so I'm always looking for good easy soup recipes.
