We host a cooking night through our homeschool group mom's activities. The date and time are set in advance and the ladies sign up a few months prior to the event. With about 42 ladies, about 8-12 have been interested. Usually as time passes the group is reduced to 6-9. This works out to be a perfect number for this sort of thing. A MOPS group, play group, neighborhood association, women's ministry, Sunday School Class or Bible Study might provide such a group to draw from.
Emphasizing upfront that the purpose of the cooking party is for fun and fellowship really is the draw, but the benefits go far beyond. There is an exchange of recipes, cooking techniques, casual conversation and much more. This is a great way for women to spend time together blessing one another's families in the process.
Once the invitations have been sent out allow two weeks for the women to clear their schedules and RSVP. This is so easily done through email or Facebook invitation.
Our homeschool event is called "Whatcha' Got Cookin'" and here is an example of our description and invitation. It's nothing fancy, but it gives all the important information upfront.
Event: Watcha got cookin’?
Age Group: Moms only
Dates: Friday, November 7th
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Cost: Recipe Dependent
Details: Tired of wondering what's for dinner? Want to try a new recipe? Would you like to spend time with friends and blessing your family simultaneously? Then join us for a fun and productive evening of fellowship as we prepare simple meals for our freezers. Each lady will be responsible for providing a recipe and all of the non meat items for the group and will then lead us through the assembling that meal. We'll take turns and in no time have a great variety of meals at our fingertips! Of course we'll have to follow up our hard work with some chocolate and coffee. Hope to see you there!
Contact: Name, phone, email address
Tomorrow I'll highlight how to choose the recipes for your cooking party.
Do you provide the meats and who pays for it?
ReplyDeleteI linked here from Money Saving Mom. Looks like fun-- and sounds yummy!